Chicago Apartment Buildings For Sale
The Chicago metro area has a wide variety of apartment buildings for sale. Typically apartment Buildings for sale in Chicago come in two distinct classes Multi Unit and Multi Family.
Chicago Multi Unit Apartment Buildings For Sale
Multi Unit apartment buildings are 2 Unit, 3 Unit and 4 unit buildings or in Chicago proper typically referred to as 2 Flats, 3 Flats and 4 Flats. The Multi Unit category is typically considered as entry-level for real estate investors or owner occupants. From a lending standpoint Multi Unit apartment buildings fall under residential guidelines which can offer owner occupants investors very favorable leveraging opportunities as high as 97% loan to value and 90% loan to value for non owner occupant investors.
Search Chicago 2-4 Flat Buildings for Sale
Chicago Multi Family Apartment Buildings For Sale
Multi Family apartment buildings are defined as having 5 or more units. The Multi Family category is typically for more seasoned real estate investors. Multi-Family Apartment Buildings are one of the most attractive to real estate investors because they are bought for income. The main advantages of apartment buildings as income or investment property are: Leverage, High Return on Cash Invested, Tax Benefits, Stability and Control and Appreciation of Invested Capital. Multi-Family Buildings fall under commercial lending guidelines and typically require a minimum equity contribution 20%-25%. .
Non Recourse Apartment Building Loans Available !
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Chicago Small Balance Apartment Building Loans
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Chicago Apartment Building Loans